Screenshot Software Download
Screenshot Software for Android Video and Images
Screenshot Software Download
An application for Android with an explanation of the program features
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Today we offer you the best way to get something many people are looking for, which is shooting the screen, whether
– Shooting the screen mobile – whether Android Mobile or Tablet or something like that-.
– Or shooting the computer screen – whether through a tool or through the possibilities that exist in Windows, whether Windows XP, Windows 7 or 8 or otherwise – and that will come soon in a separate subject-.
Today, we start with:
Screenshot program for the Android
And we have chosen you from among the dozens of applications and programs for Android,the Screenshot program:
And it is a very popular program, the number of its users has increased around the world about 20 million users, it is worth mentioning that there is another program with the same name and the same job, and it also spread widely, but the ScreenShot program to shoot the mobile screen that we are introducing to you today, is the best as it characterized by many advantages will be mentioned.
Many of us need the ScreenShot program to shoot the screen or take a snapshot of a given video viewing on his phone screen, and the most commonly used in this matter is to take a snapshot or shooting a conversation on Whatsapp or Viber or any program of the social network programs.
An image that shows the available options in the ScreenShot program to shoot the screen
Screenshot Software Download to shoot the mobile screen:
– So that you can take a picture of the mobile screen at any moment, and most of that technology that allows you the feature of shooting the screen at a certain time, so you adjust the time in the program in order that the program does its role in shooting photos at the specified time.
– From the possibilities of the program also that it provides you the feature of selecting a specific part of the screen to take a picture of it, which is a very useful feature.
An image that describes how to shoot a certain part of the screen
– The Screenshot program also allows you to save the image you shot to your phone by various formats, so you can save the image by extension or format Bmp or PNG or JPG.
– You can also select the folder in which you will save the image inside.
– The most important is that you can share or post the picture that you shot of the mobile screen on Facebook or WhatsApp or other programs and sites of the social network.
– As the official program page on Google Play Storecon firmed that the program is shooting the Mobiles screen of the Samsung Galaxy, and LG as well as Motorola phones.
– Screenshot Software Download was developed in order to be compatible with Android 4 systems and what is higher of them, until now it is compatible with Android 5 systems.
– And also the process of shooting pictures has been improved, although that you are able to use the program by the old style through a style which is present in the program options named Frame buffer.
Screenshot Software Download an absolutely gorgeous program as it gives you wonderful and very many possibilities, all of that with a very small size, as the program installation does not cost you a lot of the Internet bouquet or even the Wi-Fi line, you can enter the program settings and adjust the program settings on the automatic shooting after a specified time in seconds, or shooting every certain number of seconds… Etc.
It is worth mentioning that there is another application with the same name Screenshot and it seems to have improved its tasks so that it may exceed the program that we are talking about today, which also a program specializes in:
Screenshot Software Download
The program shoots the screen by pressing on some buttons on the mobile phone at the same time, which makes shooting is extremely easy and without the need to adjust the time of the shooting or something like that.
To watch a video explaining the program use: Click here
And now with the application information:
Program name: Screenshot
Program size: almost 2 MB
Program License: Free
The programmer company: kastorsoft
Compatibility with Android systems: Compatible with 4 X & 5 versions
And now with the download Screenshot program link for Android
Screenshot Download to shoot the mobile screen for Android
Download new Screenshot Software
Program size 2.2 MB
Free – the programmer company Love Kara
Screenshot program
The topic of: Screenshot Download for Android, ended
Screenshot Download for Android
Download Screenshot program
Screenshot program
Screenshot Software Download
Download Screenshot Software
Screenshot Download
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