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Windows 10 Download
The Last Generation
When talking about technology, especially information technology will never come to an end. Every year, more and more vendors launch their newest product with more sophisticated products. One of the examples is Windows; most of us have been familiar with this system operation for most computer, laptops, gadgets, and even smartphone. The newest generation for Windows is Windows 10; it is also said that Windows 10 is the last product from Microsoft. In late 2014, Microsoft released the technical preview for the new operating system which indeed surprised everybody especially the windows 10 parts.
The company, Microsoft states that the Windows 10 is invented as the base in which focus on cloud and mobile computing. The company makes it ideal for every user from mouse and keyboard users as well as enterprise and touch purpose. Windows 10 download will have the same interface for every frame size ranging from 4 inches until 18 inches.
After receiving good feedback for Windows 8, this launching seems to make the bold claim. Before the launching, Windows 10 has been tested to over 4 million people all over the world. From the entire tester, there is various respond and feedback for both positive and negative. Regardless the feedbacks, Windows 10 still becomes one of the worth trying operating systems.
To be able to install Windows 10, the computer should have at least 1 GHZ processor, the bigger the better. It should have at least 1 GB RAM or 32-bit and 2 GB or 64-bit. Moreover, the free hard disk on the computer should at least16 GB. It also requires Microsoft DirectX 9 device with WDDM driver. Last but nit least, the computer should have Microsoft account and internet access. According to Microsoft, Windows 10 is available in various languages such as Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Chinese, and many more.
Windows 10
Microsoft indeed combines from the previous two version, the Windows 7 and 8 which means the start menu is back. Moreover, it also keeps the live tiles as in windows 8 and will not take the entire screen. You can customize to either new and old version or even combination of both of them. This combination brings the handy jump and gives easy access for the users. Similar to the previous Windows version, Windows 10 download also has its own theme. It is more sophisticated than Windows 8 but not as flat as Windows 7. The general theme is black for the stage set; however if you prefer other color, you will always allow to change the theme. The company has been working hard to focus on the multitasking feature; one of the best improvements is the snap feature. If you want to minimalize the screen into half of the screen; you just need to drag any pages to the screen edge. Moreover, another improvement is the new feature called Task View which shows all the open windows in on the screen.
It is more likely the recently open application lists which will make you easier to find the program.
You can get this newest version of Windows 10 download in Microsoft official website.
download page : click here to Windows 10 download
direct link : Windows 10 – 32-bit download
direct link : Windows 10 – 64-bit download
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windows 10 download